Many donkeys who are ready to travel in the fall want to have a good functional Jackets, so that they can be protected in the windy season. For this reason, Greeny Outdoor recommends a gear for everyone. Equipped with volcanic rock, wheat yellow, bright blue three Kolumb new three-layer pressure plastic Jackets, using KOMB-TEX fabric technology, with a very good waterproof, windproof, breathable, wear and other functions, and then for you Outdoor protection such as outings, camping, mountain climbing and other outdoor sports provide better protection, so that you can easily deal with the outdoor changing weather. The market price of the new Kolumb Jackets is RMB 1399.
Kolumb Jackets
The new Jackets positive and negative display
New Jackets Fabric Technology
Kolumb's new Jackets use KOMB-TEX fabric technology, and this technology is a waterproof, breathable film and coating technology independently developed by Kolumb. It is made of water-repellent, breathable film and coating technology that is hydrophilic and resistant to high water. Pressure, high permeability composite fabric, so that the clothing's waterproof breathable index of up to 10000-15000, which showed excellent waterproof, breathable, windproof performance, suitable for wearing in different outdoor environments.
Details of the new Jackets
The new Jackets have adopted a new pressure-gluing technology. The use of hot-glued glue at the seams of the clothes ensures that the clothes look beautiful and at the same time enhances their waterproof performance and at the same time shows the brand's high quality. On the clothes collar label, a superb squeezing technique was also used to record the size of the garment. The squeezing glue treatment did not cause any damage to the neck.
Adjustable design
The zipper of Jackets uses YKK original zipper, which has the characteristics of low failure rate, high stability and long life, and can effectively resist the harsh environment. At the same time, the Kolumb fast zipper head used on the zipper ensures that even the gloved hands can flexibly manipulate the zipper during autumn and winter.
YKK zipper on the Jackets
Like many Jackets, the Kolumb Jackets have a Velcro design on the cuffs, but the Velcro used is thicker, more sticky, and less likely to fall off than regular Jackets. At the same time, it can also be used to freely adjust the tightness of the wear, thereby improving the wearing comfort.
Cuff detail display
The brightly colored Kolumb's new three-layer adhesive jackets not only provide you with better performance, but also add more brilliant colors to the outdoors's monotonous outdoors.
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