Illustrator file output instructions

As you know, AI can't be paged (there is a plug-in that can implement paging, but it sacrifices layers and personally feels undesirable), so if you want to arrange some booklets and publish fewer magazines, you may not have CDs. Convenient, but if you are doing a single page of things, such as a number of tag or single leaflets, as well as the printing of packaging, the feeling is very convenient.

Well, we begin. Take AI10 as an example (there is no difference in subsequent versions).

1, first pre-set the unit bar, print, many standard things to use more convenient to mm, such as bleeding, trapping.

2, on the overprint: that imprint, a color block overprinted on another color block, AI's overprint is set in the "attributes" surface version, you can use "View - Display Properties" or F11 call out the plate. For objects to be overprinted, check “Overprinting” after selecting. If the selected object has borderline strokes, the overprint stroke option will also be optional, which can be selected according to the actual situation.

3, on the trap: trapping refers to a color block and another color block convergence at a certain cross overlap, in order to avoid white edges exposed during printing, here describes a method to do trapping.

Sliding Door Handle


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