Ball uses his expertise in making aluminum beverage cans to produce Alumi-Tek bottles. The process for producing aluminum bottles and aluminum cans is very similar. Aluminum bottles have the same high quality patterns as aluminum cans and are manufactured using the same printing process. Ball's 12-ounce and 16-ounce aluminum pints were produced by Ball at the aluminum beverage can plant in Monticello.
Miller Brewing is embarking on the sale of its new Miller Lite beer, which is packaged in 16-ounce Alumi-Tek aluminum beverage bottles from Ball Corp. This shiny, re-sealable aluminum bottle has a 38mm wide mouth so that the beverage can flow out smoothly. This bottle can also be quickly cooled and 100% recycled. “Our new pint aluminum bottle makes Miller Lite beer taste better.†Grant Leech, Miller Lite’s vice president of marketing, said, “When this package is picked up and drinks, it feels like a bottle, it cools down, and it feels Like a jar, it tastes refreshing when you drink it."
From now until the end of the year, Miller Lite aluminum pint bottles are being tested in most parts of the Midwestern and southern United States to better evaluate the market and price of this packaging. Aluminum pint beverages are sold to external retailers at a 10% discount, and their retail outlets are mainly convenience stores.
“The competitive advantage of Miller Lite is that it has more flavors than other low-alcohol beer, so we are always looking for a solution that will increase our brand's taste. From the initial trial sale of aluminum pints, we learned that consumers Think of this package as making Miller Lite's taste even better,†said Pat Moertl, sales director at Miller Lite.