For many disposable plastic packaging materials, the effective disposal of packaging waste, has always been a major problem facing the industry, foreign advanced industrial countries, years of experience, summed up the development of plastic packaging materials 3R1D principles, For plastic packaging materials that cannot be recycled and are difficult to be recycled, such as plastic films, a proposal was made to vigorously develop and utilize degradable plastic packaging materials. However, despite decades of efforts, or due to degradation of the performance of plastic products, Poor, or because the price of degradable plastic products is too high, the cost-effectiveness of degradable plastic products has not been ideally resolved. The large number of applications of degradable plastics is still a problem to be solved. At this exhibition, the exhibits of Japan Uniqek and Hong Kong Eco-Environmental Services Co., Ltd. may give us a glimpse of the application of degradable plastics in the field of flexible packaging.
1. Terramac film exhibited by Japan's Uniqka Corporation
Terramac film is a biodegradable film made from polylactic acid. There are three varieties. The basic situation is shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Normal > Biaxially stretched film
Normal > soft film
normal> sheets
Normal > Category
Normal > TF (General level)
Normal > JI
Normal > SS (transparency level)
Normal > Specific gravity
Normal > 1.27
Normal > 1.34
Next: the "money" infinite metal packaging printing: printing rollers of maintenance
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