It’s not easy to get rid of it, and it’s often easy to get rid of it. But excess belly fat is a potential risk of heart disease and diabetes, and we have to pay attention to it. Recently, the US "Time Magazine" published a number of reasons for the difficulty in reducing abdominal fat, to help identify the problem.
Not getting older
As we age, the body's metabolic rate decreases, and the amount of heat required for the body to function is reduced. In addition, Professor Maryland Mayo Clinic Department of Endocrinology Michael Jensen, said: "If women in menopause weight gain is likely to grow fat in the abdomen."
The exercise method is wrong
Aerobic exercise such as running or cycling is not very helpful for abdominal weight loss. Cleveland Clinic endocrinologist Sangeeta · Kashyapa said: "The need for strength training and aerobic training combined." This will increase muscle, burn more calories than fat. "It is recommended that you do 250 minutes of moderate or 125 minutes of high intensity exercise every week.
Eat too much processed food
Finished foods such as bread, biscuits, and beverages can increase inflammation in the body. Eating too much can weaken the body's ability to lose belly fat. Natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit abdominal fat growth.
Eat wrong fat
Studies have shown that high intakes of unsaturated fats (present in meat and snacks) are associated with increased visceral fat; unsaturated fats (present in fish such as olive oil, nuts and salmon) have anti-inflammatory effects. The right amount of food is good for the body. But any excess consumption of fat can lead to weight gain, so control the amount.
Not enough exercise
A study published in the Journal of Physical Exercise Medicine and Science shows that people who exercise at high intensity lose more abdominal fat than those who do low-intensity exercises. Natalie Gill, a California-certified personal trainer , said: "In order to lose stubborn belly fat, you need to exercise adequately and burn more calories, and high-intensity exercise can do just that. "
The exercise program is wrong
If you want to sit down and get rid of your stomach, stop it. Jill suggested that exercise should be done to exercise the core muscle groups (abdomen, back, pelvis and abdominal obliques) to increase fat burning rate. It is recommended to practice the tablet support, which not only exercises the core muscles, but also exercises the arms, legs and buttocks.
over stressed
Time constraints, financial problems, caring for children ... no matter what the source of stress, it will make it difficult for you to lose excess fat, especially belly fat. This is not only because it is easier to eat high-fat, high-calorie foods when stressed. The stress hormone cortisol also increases the body's fat content and expands fat cells.
lack of sleep
One lasted 16 years, the study of nearly 70,000 women found: 5 hours of sleep at night and fewer people, the likelihood of weight gain 13.6 kg or more than 30% higher than those who slept seven hours of people. The National Institutes of Health recommends that adults sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.
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