In recent years, it seems that many people have specially prepared a jacket for themselves. Traveling can provide shelter for us. It is also a good idea to wear commuters. This time we must first thank the cool equipment and the first American outdoors to give me this time. One Jackets use evaluation, I will talk about the use experience of this jacket in detail according to the wearing experience during this time.
The FIRST OUTDOOR has always been my favorite brand. Its unique design and rigorous detail handling are all my own favorites. The Jackets to be said today are the first outdoor 2016 new The three-in-one Jackets for fall/winter models are introduced. The overall clothing is black and gray. Unlike the traditional Jackets, the colors are too bright. I'm still quite conscious of similar low-key colors, because commutes and even work wear will not appear abrupt. This Jackets version is a slightly loose hood design, while adding some more intimate small details on the low-key overall design, let's take a look at the details of this jacket.
This Jackets are made of 100% polyester fabrics. At the same time, the fabrics are both waterproof and breathable. Here we will make specific tests. The overall tailoring of the clothes is looser. This is to prevent the upper limbs from being constrained when doing large movements.
The relaxed version takes into account the factors of outdoor sports, but in actual wear, the loose version does not appear too bloated and exaggerated, which also laid the foundation for urban commuting.
Brand LOGO is set on the right chest position of the clothes, LOGO is embroidered, LOGO handwriting is clear, black embroidery echoes the main tone of gray and black.
Located on the left chest, a waterproof pocket is provided. The outside of the pocket is lined with a waterproof adhesive and the pocket zipper is also waterproof.
In use, we can store equipment, such as mobile phones, which are more afraid of water, into this pocket.
It is worth mentioning that all the zippers on the outer layer of this Jackets are made of the internationally renowned YKK zipper, which is durable. At the same time, at the end of each zipper, there is a separate traction, the tail of the traction. It is fixed by a silicone rod. In actual use, pulling the zipper is very convenient. It is very convenient even if it is operated in winter with gloves.
The left and right sides of the clothes are provided with two pockets at the same time. This is a position where almost all the coats will be added with pockets. The pockets are large in volume and the flannel is lined with a barrier at the outside of the zipper. This is to prevent rain. Infiltrate it.
On the left side cuff, a "FIRST TEX" embroidery was added. This fabric-based clothing information, its fabric advantage is waterproof, breathable, low temperature, while the fabric is flexible, not easy to fold.
Located on the outside of the main zipper of the garment, a front windproof and rainproof cloth was added. The front placket was affixed with a velcro and fixed. In the case of heavy winds and heavy rain, wind and rain did not enter through the clothes zipper. Inside.
The collar of this jacket is designed to be very high, which is also to prevent storms from pouring into the collar.
At the top of the zipper, a zipper clip is also designed. This is to keep the beard's users away and to avoid squeezing beards when pulling the zipper.
Located on both sides of the collar, two adjustment buckles are provided to tighten the collar. This can prevent foreign objects from entering the garment in extreme circumstances. At the same time when wearing a hat, these two adjustment buckles have a fixed hat that does not move left or right.
The same tightening button is also set on the left and right underside of the clothes.
As mentioned earlier, this jacket is a three-in-one design. This is because there is also a fleece liner in the interior of this jacket. This fleece liner is connected to the outer layer by zippers and anchors. In the connected state, the main zipper is pulled open. The inner bag of the clothes is actually the inner bag of the fleece, and two deep and large inner bags are arranged on the left and right sides.
When the fleece inner bag is disassembled, the outer layer is removed and the fleece can be worn alone. The color of the fleece liner of this Jackets is gray, which is also a looser cut.
Located on the left chest position, the same set of embroidery LOGO.
The main zipper used in the interior is the famous zipper manufacturer SBS. In the collar design, the liner also has a high neckline design.
Similarly, at some times we will have a single time to wear fleece, so we have two pockets on the left and right. The pockets are of a moderate size and it is sufficient to place some belongings.
The three-in-one design is extremely suitable for travel wear. We can combine the fleece with the outer layer to make quick adjustments to the temperature and the environment.
As a jacket, waterproof performance is particularly important, so I did a simulated rain test on the waterproof.
We can see that when the water falls on the surface of the clothes, it condenses into droplets of water and forms a lotus leaf effect. There is no local water seepage.
The waterproof zipper of the waterproof pocket mentioned above did not leak.
Three-in-one Jackets are suitable for many outdoor enthusiasts. They can wear almost three seasons. They wear a single layer of outer heat, a little cold to wear a liner, and a cold pair of two to wear together. At the same time, the details of this jacket and waterproof They are very good, so they are still more recommended for friends who like to be outdoors.
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