2.1 Excitement with color tone
Red, orange, yellow and other warm colors and contrasting colors have a strong impact on people's eyes and give people a sense of excitement. They can draw people's attention to products and make people interested in the products themselves. For example, food packaging is mostly red, orange, or yellow; on the contrary, blue, green, and other cold colors and low brightness, poor contrast color, although not a strong impact on the visual in a flash, but it gives people a calm, stable feeling , Suitable for the performance of scientific and reliable high-tech products. For example, most cameras use black as the surface of the housing to show their opacity. At the same time, they remind people to avoid light and give people professional and precise rigor; In addition, electrical products, machinery and hand tools, calm products The color gives a psychological sense of security. As the world's largest electronics manufacturing company, Philips has designed and manufactured a variety of consumer tastes in order to get rid of the common “black box†appearance of electrical products. Rolling Stone Radio is an example of avant-garde design that conveys complex Meaning (such as rolling, rolling, the initial image originated from the rolling pulley under the skate), and with strong blue-red, blue-yellow, blue-green and other colors, in the name of Roller "Roller", dynamic, full of Youthful energy is designed specifically for young people interested in pop music, demonstrating a highly innovative visual identity.
2.2 Symbolic Performance Using Hue Product Features
In the color of the products, warm colors are often used to express foods, because the colors of foods are mainly warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow. Children's products give people a warm, lively and vibrant feeling, and therefore children's products are also used in many designs. Warm colors. Most of the air conditioners, refrigerators, cold drinks and other products use cool colors such as white and blue to make people feel cold and refreshed. Mineral water and cleaning products also use light blue sequences, which contain clean, pure, sanitary and refreshing spiritual dimensions. In general, warm colors, solid colors, bright colors, and strong contrast colors make people feel refreshed, lively, and delightful. Using the color feature to design products can make people feel happily accepting product information.
In addition, colors also have a sense of grade, with stylish, luxurious colors such as gold and yellow are always used for jewelry, luxury watches and other high-end products, fashion, cosmetics design is often used high color, high brightness and contrasting colors Performance, giving people a sense of gorgeous; and those simple and generous tone is always associated with the real thing, such as ordinary tea sets, gloves, mugs and so on.
In the design practice, the use of color symbolic examples is also everywhere. For example, blue is a symbol of cleanliness. Designing cleaning products and packaging in blue is the most appropriate. Red symbolizes celebration and warmth. Wedding market supplies such as invitations, fireworks, firecrackers, candy, etc. are often designed in red, which can strengthen festive celebrations. The atmosphere, the moon cake bag designed with red in the sales practice is also popular with consumers; golden yellow represents a luxurious, stylish, and there is a feeling of overflowing, it is mostly used for jewelry design and high-end perfume packaging. In addition, colors such as red, orange, and yellow give people a warm feeling of jointness. They are mostly used in the design of warm goods, such as various kinds of thermal underwear, down coats, warm stoves, etc.; colors such as blue, green, white, etc. Cold synesthesia is mostly used in the design of summer goods and refrigeration appliances such as mats, cool pillows, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc. Light colors and bright colors make people feel light, such as small and exquisite MP3 player, U disk, and digital Cameras and more use light colors, highlighting its lightweight features; dark colors make people feel heavy, such as electrical appliances, machinery, lathes and other designs use dark and calm colors.
In summary, in the product design, we must pay attention to the symbolism of color, so that the color can be displayed in line with the nature and characteristics of the product itself, and use the color of the cold and warm sense, pleasure, sensation, pleasure and sense of music and taste Sense of convenience for people's use
3 . Conclusion
Although the color of the product has to be integrated with many factors such as modeling, design, and decoration, its influence on consumer psychology and behavior is obvious. The role of color in the human model can be expressed as follows: color as the first element of visual communication of goods, acts on human visual organs, evokes people's relevant experience, enables people to produce corresponding emotional experience and attitude evaluation, and finally adopts purchasing behavior. Therefore, in the modern product design, we must pay attention to the degree of color awareness, through the color rendering product personality, corporate personality, and ultimately get the consumer's recognition and love.
Qu Min, Zhang FengSource: Packaging Engineering, Issue 4, 2005
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