MakePrintable tool for free repair of .STL and .3MF files is officially available

Many people get problematic 3D print files in the 3D printing community. will. OBJ,. DXF,. 3DS,. Conversion of DAE and other popular CAD or 3D modeling files to STL and 3MF may be problematic. In addition, 3D printing typically produces bare file errors, such as non-ambiguity issues, flipped vertices (also known as flip faces or flipped triangles), holes in the mesh, and intersecting objects, as well as meshes for 3D printing. It is watertight and diverse.

Users can repair 3D printed files in a variety of ways. With experience and time, many bugs can be fixed manually from CAD or 3D modeling applications. There are also tools that automatically fix STL and 3MF files. These tools use simple algorithms to fix problems individually, or use complex algorithms and significant computational power to reconstruct the entire geometry of a file. Materialise's Magics software or Autodesk Netfabb is a commercially available STL file repair tool. MakePrintable is a free cloud-based STL and 3MF file repair tool that replaces Magics and Netfabb.

MakePrintable is an online STL and 3MF file repair tool that automatically rebuilds the entire grid and fixes any errors in the file. It does this by deploying a large number of optimized servers, rebuilding files based on the type of file, its size, and the problems found in it. This unique technology means that MakePrintable works differently than other STL and 3MF file repair software such as Netfabb and Magics. In addition, by deploying a fixed solution on MakePrintable on a large number of distributed GPUs, the computing power used is much higher than the computing power available to high-end desktop systems. In this way, MakePrintable can solve problems in less than a minute, faster than other solutions. In addition, complex or difficult models with a large number of polygons can also be fixed on MakePrintable, and they will use other tools to grind other servers or individual systems. That's why MakePrintable now fixes 96% of the industry's files, why MakePrintable has grown by more than 50% per month over the past year, and its users have an approval rating of 91%.

How to repair STL and 3MF files with MakePrintable?

First you need to sign up for a free account, which will get you free to fix (.STL, .3MF, .OBJ, .DXF, etc.) files for a month.

The file will be analyzed and displayed for you. If MakePrintable thinks the model is too small, you will get a warning indicating this. Green means the file is fine, yellow means the error in your file.

The dialog will display useful information such as how many boundary edges the model has, how many non-polygon edges, how large it is, and how many triangles there are.

If you want to wait longer, you can choose a quality fix. Or if you want to fix it quickly, choose a prototype.

If the file has too many polygons and is very large, you can reduce the number of polygons in the input file. This is handy if you need to send a file to someone else.

You can also reduce the number of polygons in the output file. If you have a very detailed STL or full color texture, this will lose most of its information during the printing process.

MakePrintable also has a hollow function. If you use a desktop 3D printer, this feature can reduce the time and materials for 3D printing. If you use a 3D printing service or an industrial additive manufacturing system, hollowing out can also reduce costs. An outlet orifice for excess powder is added for the powder bed polymerization system (selective laser sintering, laser sintering, SLS) so that excess powder can flow out. Different technologies have different wall thicknesses. With MakePritable, you can automatically adjust the wall thickness of the model to print it to save money or improve the object.


You can also view all the faces of the model. Alternatively, you can reposition, scale, rotate, or move the model.

Now you can press the repair file and you don't have to wait for the file to be fixed. You can continue working, and once you're done, you'll be sent an email (you can also turn them off as needed).

After repairing the CAD or 3D modeling files, the repaired files will be displayed side by side with the original files. You can compare the volume of the file, the number of triangles, the number of vertices, and the size of the file.

If you choose to download the file as a 3D model, you can choose. . Obj,. STL or. 3mf as the output type.

You can then download the file directly to your computer or export it to Google Drive or Storage Service Box.

If you choose SVG slices, the 3D model will be cut into SVG files. This is an option for users with DLP 3D printers such as Envisiontec systems or SLA (stereolithography) systems.


If you want to have Gcode, you can submit your Gcode settings and get Gcode directly (you can also store these). You can get your Gcode by entering the layer height, fill density, fill angle, fill pattern, 筏, travel speed, and other parameters. This is a faster way to get Gcode and is suitable for popular FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling, FFF) or similar 3D printers. If you want to print a file in 3D, you can upload it directly to i.materialise, Shapeways or 3D Print Service 3DHubs. Or you can use MakePrintable to fix your STL directly in Thingiverse.


Models can also be stored in the MyModels directory. You can even choose Safe Mode when uploading the model, then the model will be encrypted and automatically deleted after 24 hours.


If you use Blender or Sketchup, we have plugins that make it easy for you to upload and import


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