Since outdoor activities started in 1999 on a large scale in China, over time, more and more people have joined various outdoor activities. Mountaineering bags, hiking shoes, Jackets. . . These equipments, which were only visible to professional mountaineers on television, have entered the homes of ordinary people. However, for outdoor enthusiasts who have not been systematically trained, high-intensity and high-load sports are not suitable for everyone. Every backpacker who goes out for hiking and hiking often has this idea: When the physical condition is at the limit, everyone is looking forward to carrying the weight of the equipment can be lighter and lighter. However, how can we use equipment to reduce our weight?
At present, from the perspective of the development of outdoor equipment, the lightweighting of equipment is becoming the dominant factor. Outdoor manufacturers keep the weight of the equipment on the premise of ensuring the performance of the product unchanged, and the weight of the equipment is increasingly reduced. This not only allows users to save more valuable physical strength, but also greatly enriches the climber's form of climbing. The diversity of choices. For many lightweight equipment products, my article will talk to you about the stoves that are most familiar to people who are familiar with common walking activities. Most of the burners we are talking about here are aimed at small gas stoves used for long-distance hiking and low-altitude mountain climbing. For this product, it is believed that ordinary domestic and outdoor players will not be unfamiliar.
With the vigorous development of outdoor sports in recent years and the maturing of the equipment market, more and more domestic and foreign outdoor products have entered our outdoor life. In terms of stoves alone, the surrounding friends used very simple alcohol stoves. Can now go out: Mountain friends fiddling with oil stoves are more proficient than one. However, it seems to me personally that activities such as hiking and hiking below 4,000 meters do not require a large gas stove or oil stove. This is especially true for domestic short-range mountain treks and low-intensity mountaineering activities similar to domestic ones in the surrounding mountainous areas of the city. In addition to increasing the burden of weight and occupying the precious volume of your bag, it is not using expensive large-scale gas and oil stoves. Necessary.
For the two-day outdoor activities that we usually carry around the city, a small gas stove is completely competent. They are not only small in size (there are no large tanks for collection, they can be carried in the pots), and they are very light (even the packaging is basically about 100 grams). Moreover, the well-designed manufacturers ensure their strong fire output. Combined with the corresponding gas tank conversion device, it can be applied to different types of tanks. It is convenient and flexible, and it has strong adaptability. Therefore, it is very suitable for normal outdoor activities.
At present, there are many kinds of gas stoves on the market, which are domestic and imported. From the market situation, many manufacturers of imported products are either specialized households producing outdoor stoves or outdoor old factories with a long history. They have a strong advantage in design concepts and manufacturing processes. Therefore, on the market of lightweight burners, imported products occupies a large share, and domestic products have only just entered. In principle, the structure of domestic and foreign products is very similar; due to weight and material limitations, they differ only in details and materials used. From the overall structure, they are generally divided into: firework discs, adjustment switches, electronic ignition switch (non-standard), cooker bracket (multiple use 3 or 4 support) and threaded gas tank connection port and other parts . Due to the design limitations, when the same type of stove is put together, it is easy to make people feel familiar. The light burner parts are small and small, and the design is very simple and practical. In general, alloy materials are selected for materials, and titanium alloys are used for ultra-light materials. Looking at current product development trends, the titanium material of the furnace head material will become the mainstream of lightweight equipment manufacturing.
For the experience in using the burner in practice, we can further reduce the weight by the following two basic methods:
1. Remove the electronic ignition accessories from the burner. Because the electronic ignition device does not play any role at all in the low temperature condition, the usage rate is also low, and it also accounts for a large share of the overall weight of the burner. So don't hesitate to go straight off before proceeding. It can do a simple lighter or safety match. The latter is more useful in outdoor activities.
2, the use of flat cans, its advantage is that can be carried directly into the pot, does not take up extra space within the backpack. It should be noted that the flat cans are safer than the long cans in transportation, the gas flow is more uniform, the firepower is more stable, and there is no need to provide a special bayonet switch, which is suitable for use in low pressure and temperature activities. (The main disadvantage of flat cans is that the cost is relatively higher than that of long cans)
Of course, light burners are not perfect. As the design priority is to reduce the weight, he is
The overall performance is still relatively inadequate:
1. Due to the smaller design of the sub-flame plate, the output of the lighter burner is more concentrated when it is heated, and the output heat is not as large as the large oil and gas stoves. For multi-person cookers with a large bottom area, uneven heating occurs. Therefore, it is more suitable for food production of 1-2 people.
2. Because of its light weight and small size, the light burner has no extra support device. So, be sure to use it when you use it.
Use it in place of the tank to avoid tilting. And before use, check the stability of the furnace carefully to prevent accidental overturning.
3, light burner is very simple, unlike large gas stove and oil stove with a certain simple windproof device. Therefore, when using a light burner, be sure to use it in a lee place or with a wind shield.
The above is my simple view of lightweight burners. The introduction to them is not intended to allow everyone to consider only products in this area when purchasing stoves, but just want to give everyone more choices. Lightweight burners are not a panacea. They are produced for special forms of activity. Large oil and gas furnaces have their own reasons for existence. After all, lightweight burners have limitations in design and materials. I hope that everyone can carefully consider the outdoor activities of their choice, and be more targeted when selecting stove products rather than blindly choosing high, large, and full products.
We look forward to all the mountain friends can be equipped with their own "weapons", can take the world as light as the Yan.
The current burner products on the domestic outdoor market are basically composed of MSR, PRIMUS, KOVEA, KARRIMOR, SNOWPEAK, BLACKYAK and Fire Maple. And these brands also basically produce lighter burner products. In order to make everyone understand their products more intuitively, I put the information of these manufacturers' related products on a list for your reference.
Current burner conditions available on the domestic market
Brand Model Weight (G)
KOVEA CAMP-3(KB-0101) 94
TKB-9707 205
KARRIMOR K2-103 168
K2-100 140
GST-100 74
Fire Maple FMS-102 115
FMS-103 86
2BNBY-0302 200
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Here are some of the burners I used:
KOVEA―TKB9707 Collection size: 57x57x100mm
The earliest purchase of light burners was the MINI burner that was available on the Beijing market. Small and compact, the collection is very convenient, can be carried directly into the pot; unfortunately the weight is not light, and the small size does not match. From the design point of view, this stove is very traditional as a whole, there is no excess gimmick, and each part is simple and practical. However, its stent fixing design is not very stable and it is easy to loosen. However, its price is the cheapest in the several stoves I buy. For those who only participate in simple activities is a good choice.
KOVEA-CAMP3 Collection volume: 367×38×81mm
When it was launched in the domestic market, it was very fond of its design. The delicate appearance and the use of titanium alloy material was its most attractive selling point. This burner is also only 2/3 of the size of the cigarette in the box. Due to the use of titanium alloy, the entire burner is light and strong. Unfortunately, its folding bracket is relatively small and cannot support oversized cookers. When I was using it, I always felt a bit top-heavy after the pan. Therefore, always be careful when using it. More suitable for users who emphasize weight and volume, suitable for heavy hiking and low-altitude climbing activities, is a good choice for professional players.
SNOWPEAK-GS100 Collection Volume: 46×35×82mm
Classic light burner. When it was first introduced to the market, it caused a sensation. As early as 1999, it received the EDITORS'CHOICE award from BACKPACKER magazine. Today, there are still no other products that can completely surpass it. The regular version of the GS-100 I use is only 88G, and even lighter than the titanium alloy standard CAMP3. Its titanium plate GST-100 weighs only 74G, which is the seat of the lightweight burner. Don't look for its slim support, but the support is very stable, and it can definitely bear the burden of 2-3 food production. Unique, with a large flame outlet, the firepower output reaches 2500kcal/h, which is comparable to SNOWPEAK's GS010 gasoline furnace. The GS100 is the most used gas stove I've ever used. To say it's not enough, I think it's too expensive. If it's not a classic stove, add a bit of money and buy the stove directly.
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