In the mountaineering equipment that we usually use, we often see various signs. Some of them are signs of product quality certification, and others are signs that indicate the product category. There are uniform regulations on the use of these signs internationally. Understanding their meaning will help you to purchase and use professional equipment.
............................. Signs of quality and safety certification............... ..............
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UIAA INTERNATIONAL ALPINE ASSOCIATIONS safety inspection certification. For different equipment with detailed detection indicators, such as the DYNAMIC 1 ROPE testing standard requires IMPECT FORCE is less than 12KN, UIAA FULLS is greater than 5.
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An International Common Statistical Quality Inspection Mark
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International quality inspection system, which ISO9001 requires process control, ISO9002 is only the result of control.
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EC testing and certification, and UIAA standards are basically the same.
............................. mark of product category................. ............
Technical hail markings, 50%-80% larger than the basic type
Basic type hail sign
The HMS has a protective iron lock logo. This type of iron lock can use the single-loop tie (ITALY HEATH). It is required that the longitudinal tension is greater than 20KN, the open door tension is greater than 6KN, and the lateral tension is greater than 7KN.
Iron lock sign dedicated to VIA FEREETA. Longitudinal pull force greater than 25KN and horizontal pull force greater than 7KN are required. There is no requirement for door pull.
O-type iron lock sign. It is required that the longitudinal pulling force should be greater than 18KN, the opening force should be greater than 5KN, and the lateral tension should be greater than 7KN.
Slings are fixed and can not slide freely inside the lock, such as DMM's Mamba. The longitudinal pull force is required to be greater than 20KN and the open door pull force is greater than 7KN. There is no requirement for lateral tension.
Iron locks for industrial use.
Basic type iron lock. It is required that the longitudinal tension is greater than 20KN, the open door tension is greater than 7KN, and the lateral tension is greater than 7KN.
UIAA 1/2 .. DOUBLE Two ropes must be used in addition to the descent, but the two ropes can be entrained in different protection points in turn.
UIAA 00 .... TWIN In any case, it is necessary to use two ropes at the same time, and two ropes must be attached to each protection point at the same time.
............................. Signs of quality and safety certification............... ..............
UIAA INTERNATIONAL ALPINE ASSOCIATIONS safety inspection certification. For different equipment with detailed detection indicators, such as the DYNAMIC 1 ROPE testing standard requires IMPECT FORCE is less than 12KN, UIAA FULLS is greater than 5.
An International Common Statistical Quality Inspection Mark
International quality inspection system, which ISO9001 requires process control, ISO9002 is only the result of control.
EC testing and certification, and UIAA standards are basically the same.
............................. mark of product category................. ............
Technical hail markings, 50%-80% larger than the basic type
Basic type hail sign
The HMS has a protective iron lock logo. This type of iron lock can use the single-loop tie (ITALY HEATH). It is required that the longitudinal tension is greater than 20KN, the open door tension is greater than 6KN, and the lateral tension is greater than 7KN.
Iron lock sign dedicated to VIA FEREETA. Longitudinal pull force greater than 25KN and horizontal pull force greater than 7KN are required. There is no requirement for door pull.
O-type iron lock sign. It is required that the longitudinal pulling force should be greater than 18KN, the opening force should be greater than 5KN, and the lateral tension should be greater than 7KN.
Slings are fixed and can not slide freely inside the lock, such as DMM's Mamba. The longitudinal pull force is required to be greater than 20KN and the open door pull force is greater than 7KN. There is no requirement for lateral tension.
Iron locks for industrial use.
Basic type iron lock. It is required that the longitudinal tension is greater than 20KN, the open door tension is greater than 7KN, and the lateral tension is greater than 7KN.
UIAA 1/2 .. DOUBLE Two ropes must be used in addition to the descent, but the two ropes can be entrained in different protection points in turn.
UIAA 00 .... TWIN In any case, it is necessary to use two ropes at the same time, and two ropes must be attached to each protection point at the same time.
Bathrobe,Bath Towel,Other Towels,Towels
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