Green ant lock trekking pole makes your hiking easier from here

Trekking poles are one of the most important auxiliary functional devices in outdoor activities. People who like outdoor activities, almost everyone has one or even several trekking poles, trekking poles, like the skis, can help push us forward and upwards. Trekking poles help increase our walking speed. It can also effectively reduce the movements of our legs, knees, ankles and feet. In fact, the trekking poles have a variety of uses, such as opening roads, probing the roads, removing grass, spider webs, keeping their balance, detecting water bottoms, quicksands, etc. Today, we are fortunate enough to have the chance to experience a lock on the trekking poles with green ants.

There are four colors for the green ant-locked trekking pole. They are: star blue, black, bamboo, rose purple. What I have received is rose purple. The color is very beautiful. It is quite eye-catching. In the outdoors, this color is easy to attract attention and easily found. The material of the 7075 aviation aluminum alloy is used for three-section locks. The length is 65-135cm and the weight is 260g.

Good comfort is of great importance for trekking poles. The comfort of trekking poles depends on the ergonomic characteristics and the material of the grips. The green ant-locked trekking pole grip is made of high-density EVA material, which makes it softer to hold, absorbs sweat more effectively, and has less durability. The rubberized grip is soft and easy to hold, making it suitable for people with lots of sweat.

Green ants lock the trekking pole wristband

There is a green ant's LOGO on the wristband. The wristband is a very useful design. It can make you use it even if you don't hold a trekking pole.

The green ant trekking pole is a lever lock, which is commonly known as the outer lock. It is usually simpler and more durable than the inner lock, and the adjustment is more convenient. Even with gloves, it can be operated quickly. Passing a large number of tests outside the lock bar mechanism is more durable than the inner lock bar mechanism, and there are fewer problems encountered in the dust road.

The first step: rotate the screw and open the outer lock;

Step 2: Adjust the trekking pole to the proper length, then close the outer lock, and tighten the screw to the lower end of the post pole.

The third step: When storing, first open the outer lock, put away the post, and tighten the outer lock.

The surface of the shaft is spray-coated to make it more durable. The material of aerospace aluminum is often heavy, has a certain degree of toughness, and is stronger than carbon fiber material, but aerospace aluminum can also be oxidized. The trekking pole poles are three sections, retractable, length: 65-135cm, reduced size is 65cm, the longest 135cm, suitable for a variety of height or terrain.

This is the lever inside, with a scale, which can't exceed the STOP line when used.

The tip material is generally steel head and tungsten-manganese alloy. The green ant lock trekking pole is made of high-quality tungsten-manganese alloy material and has a petal shape. The tip of the wand is often gapped into the ground and can withstand large bending forces. It is also the place where it is most likely to be lost. It is the best place to show the durability of the trekking poles.

The mud tray is used on snow or muddy roads to increase support by increasing the contact area of ​​the trekking poles in the snow or mud. The trekking poles have a lot of styles. The green ants lock the trekking poles. The mud tray is designed with threads and the mud tray is also replaceable.

The trekking pole's portability is also very important. Sometimes it is even necessary to store the trekking poles in a backpack. Therefore, the trekking poles should be as short as possible. It is easier to pack into a suitcase. The use of trekking poles is also very broad. For example, small trekking poles are suitable for activities that carry trekking poles on their backs. Trekking trekking poles are suitable for hard high-loading routes....

In general, the use of experience is very good. Manufacturer's product design is certainly in line with the standard, the appearance of exquisite, work should be considered a demeanor of the factory, the material material details are also good, all parts are more detailed, the use of large can rest assured. Petal-shaped stick tip, slip effect is very good. The bar body is firm and supports well. Carbon fiber trekking poles are generally more expensive but have a relatively high safety factor. Aluminum alloys are cheap and easy to accept. One day, there was almost no trace of wear on the rod tip. This trekking pole can be said to be very good value.

Star Pickets

Star picket is a kind of metal Fence Post, which is made of low carbon steel, or sometimes rail steel. They got their names due to the shape of cross sections including three-pointed star shape and Other various shapes.Along the post, there are numbers of stubs for preventing the fencing wire sliding up and down, or consisting holes for either letting the wire thread through or fixing boards with bolts. Meanwhile the diameters and spacing of holes can be customized.

They can be widely used to support various types of wire mesh and fences such as agricultural fencing, temporary fencing, pet fences, etc. Additionally, it can be used to fix plants, support sing boards, thereby, it is multifunctional.

Star picket

Star Pickets,Y Star Pickets,Black Painted Star Pickets,Hot Dipped Star Pickets

Hebei Giant Metal Technology Co., Ltd. ,

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