There are many ways to lose weight and it is not difficult. As long as you pay attention to diet and exercise in the details of life, your belly will disappear and you won't come back. Next, Xiao Bian introduced seven coups to effectively reduce the stomach.
   1, eat at least 3 fruits and 3 vegetables per day
It is necessary to control the total calorie intake in order to lose body weight without reducing body weight. Eating more fruits and vegetables is not only easier for you to feel full, but it also helps you reduce the urge to eat sweets. In addition, eating more fiber-rich foods can effectively treat constipation , which is one of the culprits in your lower abdomen.
   2, 9 glasses of water a day, less carbonated drinks
In the morning before breakfast, drink a glass of white water, light honey water or water added with cellulose to accelerate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. The garbage and metabolites in the body of the previous night are eliminated from the body, reducing the chance of appearing in the stomach.
Normal daily water consumption is 2000-2500 ml, and the body can oxidize 300 ml of water. Therefore, 2200 ml of water should be added daily, including the moisture content in the diet. How much is 2200 ml of water? At present, the capacity of ordinary disposable cups is about 250 ml, which means that you need to drink about 9 glasses of water per day (measured by disposable cups, depending on the size of your cup). .
Do not drink too much water continuously in a single hour. If you drink too much water, the blood in the blood vessels will be diluted with water as a result of the osmotic action, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of oxygen and nutrients contained in the blood. In order to meet the body's energy supply, the heart must increase work intensity, resulting in increased heart load. In the long term, it is a great health hazard. In addition, a lot of water will cause internal organs edema, due to "water flow down," excess moisture will be a large number of convergence in the lower back and lower limbs, resulting in edema of the lower back and lower limbs.
In addition, try to drink less carbonated beverages and those with high sugar content, they will make your stomach like a balloon.
   3, away from alcohol
Whether it's beer, cocktails, liquor, or other forms of alcoholic beverages, it can be the main cause of your belly fat. Although the wine does not contain fat, but the calorie content is very high, only a cup of about 200ml of alcoholic beverages, the heat can reach 100 kcal. Wine will also increase your body's cortisol levels. This powerful hormone is precisely the accomplice of the abdomen to store fat.
   4, sit-ups
If you want to achieve the purpose of subtracting the abdominal fat, you need to control the rhythm and avoid doing a lot of sit-ups from the beginning, resulting in muscle aches. You can try 5 times a minute at first, and then slowly increase until you reach about 30 times per minute. Pay attention to the position of the waist control, not the leg or the arm.
   5, sitting straight on the waist
Losing weight is sometimes not as difficult as people think. Some people only need to correct their sitting posture and abdomen and chest to lose some fat that accumulates in the abdomen. Always remind yourself of your chest, abdomen, straight waist, sitting like a hanging bell, even if it is not always maintained, think of it and do it, are likely to subtract 2 pounds or more cumbersome fat from the stomach.
   6. Make a person who loves to be clean
Wash your own clothes, do not throw them into the washing machine, and then lie down on the couch and watch TV. Clean the kitchen after meals and mop the floor. Wipe the tables and other furniture to make yourself a hardworking and clean person. These daily chores save you from lying down or sitting down immediately after a meal, preventing fat from accumulating in your belly, and at the same time you can consume a lot of calories.
   7, hula hoops turn up
Watch the TV and shake the hula hoop: Shake hula hoops can consume about 5 kcal calories per kilogram per hour, taking 45 kg of weight as an example, an hour can consume about 45 (kg) x 5 calories = 225 calories , And in time, it will become the beauty of the waist section.
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