Packaging design is the first step in the production of paper containers and the basis of the entire production. Its contents have been changing with the change of packaging functions, and as the competition in the market has intensified, the profits of companies have continuously decreased, and the content of design work has become more and more abundant. At the same time, it has become increasingly important.
The overall solution for product packaging design
Design is based on a certain idea of ​​the shape, decoration, color to be properly handled, to cause people's beauty and attention to the conscious creation and operational performance.
The concept and meaning of packaging design vary with the research and service targets. Broadly speaking, product packaging design is designed for three major functions of packaging—protecting products, facilitating use, and promoting sales. Design work should include product protection design (such as buffer packaging design, moisture-proof and other functional packaging design), structure and process design (such as collection packaging, package design, etc.) and packaging product design and decoration design. From a narrow sense, the packaging design only includes the three main contents of packaging structure, modeling and decoration design, but the three are not simply stacked and added, but are an organic combination of mutual connection and interaction.
In recent years, the packaging design widely accepted by the packaging industry is a product-oriented packaging solution, which generally includes the analysis of the characteristics of the packaged goods and packaging requirements, the analysis of product circulation environment, the positioning of packaging design, and the determination of packaging materials and packaging forms. Product packaging and decoration, packaging promotion, packaging sample production and evaluation, and product packaging process and equipment determination. It can be seen that the overall solution for product packaging essentially includes the meaning of generalized packaging design, and also involves other areas of content.
Packaging design features
The characteristics of packaging design are mainly reflected in practicality, aesthetics, economy, originality and relevance. Practicality is one of the basic attributes of design. It mainly considers the function and function of the product. It can be embodied through the materials, structures, shapes, and patterns of the package. Different functions and functions of commodities have different requirements for the practicality of packaging design. The aesthetic requirements combine various factors to design packaging products that are consistent with the characteristics of the times, ethnic characteristics, and aesthetics. Economic efficiency is the greatest product effect with the least cost. Originality is to be good at unconventionalism, not to be separated from society and times, and to contain new creations in the superficial forms. Each of the above points has its own independence and correlation. It has important guiding significance for design work and requires full consideration when designing.
Color box color box design principle
Commodity packaging is mainly divided into two major categories: transportation packaging and sales packaging. Sales packages are packages that are directly met and used by consumers. In addition to the use of performance, it should also be very artistic, and its shape and structural design must meet the requirements of "scientific, aesthetic, and marketable." When designing, it is necessary to consider the scientific and reasonable problems in the structure, but also to take into account the appearance of the design and decoration. The excellent packaging design and structural design can not only accommodate and protect the goods, beautify the goods and promote the sales of the goods, but also should be easy to carry, use, display and sell.
When designing, it should first meet its overall design requirements. Second, it should take into account the relationship between structural design, modeling design, and interior design. That is, the structural design must be based on the characteristics of the packaged product, environmental factors, and user requirements. Reasonably design the carton cover, box bottom, adhesive bracts, dust mites and other components. It is necessary to meet the principle of overall design, and should also be coordinated with the requirements of modeling and decorating design; modeling and decorating design should emphasize the display display of packaging from the aesthetic point of view. In addition, size and strength design are also an important part of carton carton design. It affects not only the appearance of the product, but also the production and distribution costs.
Structural design
Modeling and structural design are an important part of commodity packaging. The design of packaging structure is based on the actual conditions of packaging and production, and based on scientific principles, the design of the packaging's exterior structure and internal accessories is carried out. The design must ensure that the structure has enough strength, hardness and ability to resist other environments. It must be considered from two points: first, the primary function of protecting the product, and secondly, satisfy the important characteristics of modern packaging, such as transportation and processing characteristics.
Qualified cartons start with the right structural design. Designers must not only truly understand the customer's intentions, but also be familiar with the later processing technology. Only in this way can the customer's intentions be converted into qualified products, and the subsequent processing of the products can be ensured. Designers must understand the nature, shape, size, and weight of the contents before the design begins; the arrangement, transport, and stacking methods of the contents; the storage environment, transportation routes, and timing, as well as the carton box type and manufacturing materials.
After determining the various types of information, it is also important to understand whether the cartons required for the design focus on either transport carts or sales cartons. The sales cartons belong to the category of commercial packaging, focusing on the appearance of the carton, and need to consider the requirements of the printing process in the design. The transport type carton belongs to the category of industrial packaging. It is more necessary to consider the requirements of the carton such as pressure resistance and shock resistance, and to design openings and die-cutting positions without affecting its strength. Because of its repeated use, it also needs to consider the efficiency of packing and the production efficiency of the factory. When the carton box type required for design is determined, the design work can be started. The following problems must be paid attention to when designing.
Intensity problem: The design of the 楞 type is the primary content of the strength design. There are single and multiple layers of corrugated cardboard. Each type of a, b, and c can be selected according to the pre-design understanding. When exporting a carton, when designing a box, it is necessary to take into account the weather and transportation conditions during transportation. As large-size commodity packaging, corrugated cartons are designed to be as simple as possible, easy to handle, and avoid die cutting, so as to avoid excessive die-cutting process to reduce the overall performance of the carton and to make the process too complicated. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the convenience of packing, and some need to consider factors such as mechanical packing. According to the local transportation and handling conditions, humanized designs such as handle holes can be added to larger packaging boxes to facilitate handling.
Material selection: The choice of carton material is an important part of strength design. It not only affects the printing effect, but also affects the physical properties of the corrugated box after molding. There is a close relationship between the moisture content of the paper and the strength of the carton. When carton matching, take into account different weather conditions. When the export cartons are being dispensed, the raw paper must have higher physical properties. At the same time, the cardboard produced must also meet the requirements for physical properties such as burst resistance, edge pressure, and adhesion.
An important reason why cartons and cartons are favored is their green advantages. The use of consumables such as inks, additives, and polishes, the recycling performance of paperboard or composite board itself, and waste disposal must comply with environmental requirements. When packaging food, medicine, or children's toys, whether it meets the requirements for hygiene, health, and safety is a very significant issue. Of course, as a product package for export, it is necessary to consider the relevant laws and regulations of the destination country.
Dimensions: When designing the size of corrugated boxes, in addition to setting the length, width and height of the corrugated boxes reasonably according to the contents, consideration should also be given to combining different types of containers in order to make full use of the space of the containers and avoid the products during transportation. The waste of space is also conducive to the safety of product transportation.
Printing process issues: Design work should also consider the differences between different printing processes. The printing methods commonly used in corrugated cartons in China include offset printing, flexo printing, and gravure printing. Changes in the printing method directly affect other processes, and even printed materials have to be changed. For example, coated white paper is selected, and it is difficult to print with aqueous ink flexographic printing. According to the characteristics of different printing methods and other aspects of the design of a comprehensive consideration of the process plan. If you use the current flexo printing process of carton carton, you should pay attention to layout issues.
When designing fine lines, small texts, and patterns with halftone dots, a flexo should not be arranged on a single page with a large full-size field. Because the full version requires a large amount of printing pressure, it is easy to deform the small texts and patterns, and the printed products are not clear in terms of blur, and there are quality problems such as broken lines, falling off of font strokes, missing dots, etc., and it will accelerate the wear or crush the printing plate. If you must design on a printing plate, then you can not use the same exposure time for the full version of the field and small graphic text to expose, need to extend the exposure time to improve the subtle graphics at the plate hardness and resistance to force.
Carton printing generally has more typographic plates. When imposition, the plate cannot be cut too loose. It is best to make the same color plate as a whole. Care must be taken when unavoidable stencils and small-scale gluing are applied. Otherwise, in the production process, due to the small and fragmented plates, the stencils are not firmly bonded, resulting in damage and loss during the printing process. In addition, when affixing, maintaining, or replacing small pieces or fine patterns or text printing plates, do not use force to pull them to prevent damage or tearing.
In order to overcome the unevenness of the paperboard surface, rough, etc., the printing plate is required to be wear-resistant, strong in impact resistance, moderate in hardness, good in elasticity after pressing, uniform in ink, and uniform in thickness. According to the pattern, the text, the size of the line and the corrugated board material, the flexographic printing plate layout, hardness requirements, production methods to make corresponding changes. When the quality of corrugated board is poor and the full-printing solid bottom color is printed, a thicker, softer, softer version is selected; the corrugated board is of good quality, and when printing fine patterns, small prints, and cable screens, a high hardness and a thin thickness are selected. Printing resin plate.
Corrugated board, if the surface is uneven, warping, the printing surface off the powder, pull the hair, sand and other problems in the paper, will cause paste version, pressure injury, wear or damage flexo resin version, shorten the life of the printing plate. Therefore, the quality of the base paper should be strictly controlled during the production of corrugated cardboard.
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