Chromaticity, color is a combination of brightness and chromaticity, and chromaticity is the nature of a color that does not include brightness. It reflects the hue and saturation of the color.
The color is represented by the combination of brightness and chromaticity, while the chromaticity is the property of the color not including the brightness, which reflects the hue and saturation of the color.
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies two methods for determining color. This standard measures the color of the sample after 15 minutes of clarification. The pH value has a large influence on the color, and the pH value should be measured simultaneously when measuring the color.
1.1 The platinum-cobalt colorimetric method is based on the international standard ISO 7887-1985 "Test and determination of water quality". The platinum-cobalt colorimetric method is suitable for clean water, lightly polluted water with a slight yellowing, relatively clean ground water, ground water and drinking water.
1.2 The dilution factor method is applicable to surface water and industrial wastewater with serious pollution.
Both methods should be used independently and generally not comparable.
This standard does not apply when the color hue of the sample and the standard solution are inconsistent.
Folding dilution factor
4.1 Principle
The sample was diluted with optically pure water (3.2.1) to a visual comparison of the dilution factor when the color was barely visible compared to the optically pure water as the intensity of the expressed color in units of multiples.
Simultaneously observe the sample visually to check the color properties: the shade of the color (colorless, light or dark), the hue (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, etc.), if possible including the transparency of the sample (transparent, Turbid or opaque). Describe it in words.
The results were expressed in combination with dilution factor values ​​and textual descriptions.
4.2 Reagents
4.2.1 Optical pure water (3.2.1).
4.3 Instruments
4.3.1 Common instruments in the laboratory and with a colorimetric tube (3.3.1) and a pH meter (3.3.3).
4.4 Sampling and samples
Same as 3.4
4.5 steps
4.5.1 Samples
Same as Article 3.5.1.
4.5.2 Determination
The sample (4.5.1) and the optical pure water (4.2.1) were respectively taken in a plug color tube, charged to the marking line, and the plug color tube was placed on a white surface with a plug color tube and the The surface should be at an appropriate angle so that light is reflected from the bottom of the plug tube up through the column. Observe the liquid column vertically downwards, compare the sample to optically pure water, and describe the chroma and color of the sample, including transparency if possible.
The sample was diluted with optical pure water stepwise into different multiples, and placed in a plug with a colorimetric tube to charge the mark. The plug colorimetric tube was placed on a white surface and compared with optically pure water in the same manner as above. Dilute the sample until it is indistinguishable from optically pure water, and record the dilution factor at this time.
Dilution method: When the chroma of the sample is more than 50 times, pipette the sample in a volumetric flask, dilute it with optical pure water to the mark, and take a large dilution ratio each time to make the diluted color Within 50 times.
When the chromaticity of the sample is 50 times or less, 25 mL of the sample is taken in a plug colorimetric tube, and diluted with optically pure water to the mark, each dilution factor is 2.
When the sample or sample is diluted to a very low chroma, it should be poured into a measuring tube and metered with a plug color tube, and then diluted with optical pure water to the marking line, each dilution ratio is less than 2. Make a note of each dilution factor.
Another sample was taken to determine the pH.
Representation of the collapsed result
The multiples of the successive dilutions are multiplied, and the resulting product is taken as an integer value to express the chromaticity of the sample.
Also use text to describe the color shade, hue, and, if possible, transparency.
The pH is reported while reporting the color of the sample.
Related introduction
This standard is proposed by the National Environmental Protection Agency Standards Department.
This standard was drafted by China Textile University.
The main drafters of this standard are Yu Danli and Chen Jihua.
This standard is entrusted to the China Environmental Monitoring Center for interpretation.
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