Breaking strength and edge pressure intensity unit conversion

Breaking strength and edge pressure intensity unit conversion

Dongguan Haida Instrument 400-071-1808/0769-89280808

In daily work, we, Dongguan City, Haida Instrument Co., Ltd. often meet the foreign guests require the carton box material burst strength or side pressure strength to reach a certain value. The unit provided by the foreign party is different from the units commonly used in China which are metric units. The details are as follows:

A, bursting strength (BURSTING TEST)

Imperial units: Lb/in2

Metric units : kpa kgf/cm2

Metric conversion metric : 1kgf/cm2=98kpa 1kgf/ cm2=14.2Lb/in2


Metric conversion British : 1kpa=0.145Lb/in2 1kpa=0.0102kgf/cm2
Second, side pressure strength ( EDGECRUSH TEST referred to as ECT )

Imperial units: Lb/in Lb/4in

Metric units : N/100mm N/m kN/m

Metric conversion metric : 1Lb/in=17.5N/100mm 1Lb/in=175N/m 1Lb/in==0.175kN/m

Metric conversion Imperial system : 1k.N/m=1000N/m 1N/m=0.0057Lb/in 1N/100mm=0.057Lb/in

Tip: Enter cm2, select 2, use the shortcut key shift + ctrl + plus sign (+ = key ), the subscript is ctrl + plus sign (+ = key )

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