Every day, we sit in the dining chair and have dinner with our family, but we rarely think of why the stool is comfortable to sit up. Of course, there are reasons for all the design dimensions of the furniture. The reporter visited most of the furniture stores in the city. After measuring, most of the chairs are about 40 cm high.
White-collar workers go to work for a long time, backache, back home, have a comfortable environment, eat at the dining room table, or lie on the sofa to watch TV. Every moment of our home life is closely related to furniture. Why is the stool higher than the sofa? Why is the width of the sofa different? Each piece of furniture has its own size. These dimensions are not made out of thin air. Instead, the designer gives the piece of furniture "body" when it is made. All of this is in line with the body's movement laws and engineering, just for comfort.
The existence of any objective thing has its rationality. For those who live in the world, we are used to most of the existing items. Every day, we sit in the dining chair and have dinner with our family, but we rarely think of why the stool is comfortable to sit up.
According to the human ischial node height 390mm to 420mm best
A brand designer Miss Su told reporters that the height of the design seat is measured and designed according to the reference position of the person's seat (the ischial node). The height is usually between 390mm and 420mm. If the height is less than 380mm, the person's height The knees will be arched and have an uncomfortable feeling, and the standing will become difficult; when the height is greater than the length of the human lower limbs by 500 mm, the body pressure is dispersed to the thigh portion, the inner thigh is compressed, and the lower leg is swollen. Ms. Su also told reporters that the width, depth, inclination and back bend of the seat are fully taken into account the scale of the human body and the law of movement of each part. In the depth design of cabinet furniture, the height of the desk and the space of the leg, the elastic design of the mattress, etc. are all subject to human beings, starting from the physiological needs of human beings.
According to relevant data, the back tilt angle and curve of the Ming Dynasty chair are designed according to the characteristics of the human body. It is well known that the side of the human spine is "S" shaped in its natural state. According to this feature, the Ming Dynasty masters made the backrest into an "S" shape curve that fits the spine; and according to the necessary back inclination of the human body during rest, the backrest has a back tilt angle of nearly 100 degrees. As a result of this treatment, the person has a large contact surface with the back of the chair and the back of the chair, and the muscles are fully rested, thereby creating a feeling of comfort, and it is not easy to feel tired when sitting for a long time.
52 degree beveled design sofa will be more casual and comfortable
In the West City home store, the original Danish brand is known for its design. Its home consultant Huang Qiang told reporters that the seat depth of the fabric sofa is determined according to the average length of the human thigh. "The average thigh of a person is about 445 mm, the seat depth of a common fabric sofa should be about 450 to 520 mm; the depth of a large fabric sofa should be about 520 to 550 mm." At the scene, Huang Qiang introduced that the sofa with a shallow depth is suitable for It can be used in the living room or in public places. The sofa with a depth of about 500 mm is basically a leisure sofa. It is suitable for family use and feels comfortable and relaxed when sitting up. "If the fabric sofa is too deep, it exceeds the average of the human thigh bones. People sit on the top and the waist is still not touching the backrest. It is also easy to make people feel tired. Too light will increase the pressure on the buttocks."
In the field of casual sofa design, the most praiseworthy is the 52-degree beveled design of the leisure sofa. "The so-called 52-degree bevel angle is the 52-degree golden angle formed by the back support frame of the sofa and the ground." The reporter experienced that the seat was designed to sit on the design sofa, and the person naturally "concave" into it, the thighs clung to the sofa surface, and the back was affixed to the sofa back. Simple and comfortable. "With this design, the designer made more than 100 models during the experimental period, until the right angle was found, and the sofa market was very good." Huang Qiang said.
The whole coffee beans are ground, also known as milling, to facilitate the brewing process.
The fineness of the grind strongly affects brewing. Brewing methods that expose coffee grounds to heated water for longer require a coarser grind than faster brewing methods. Beans that are too finely ground for the brewing method in which they are used will expose too much surface area to the heated water and produce a bitter, harsh, "over-extracted" taste. At the other extreme, an overly coarse grind will produce weak coffee unless more is used. Due to the importance of a grind's fineness, a uniform grind is highly desirable.
If a brewing method is used in which the time of exposure of the ground coffee to the heated water is adjustable, then a short brewing time can be used for finely ground coffee. This produces coffee of equal flavor yet uses less ground coffee. A blade grinder does not cause frictional heat buildup in the ground coffee unless used to grind very large amounts as in a commercial operation. A fine grind allows the most efficient extraction but coffee ground too finely will slow down filtration or screening.
Ground coffee deteriorates faster than roasted beans because of the greater surface area exposed to oxygen. Many coffee drinkers grind the beans themselves immediately before brewing.
Spent coffee grinds can be reused for hair care or skin care as well as in the garden. These can also be used as biodiesel fuel.
There are four methods of grinding coffee for brewing: burr-grinding, chopping, pounding, and roller grinding.
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HOMEARTS INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD , http://www.homeartschina.com