What is the difference between rosewood and huanghuali?

Are both rosewood and huanghuali wood of the same type of red wood? If not, where is the difference? What is the geometric gap between the value of the home crafts that have been created? I will explain it to you today.

   What is the difference between rosewood and huanghuali?

First of all, before the explanation, let us look at the value of the mahogany in the market is divided into several grades: first-class products: rosewood, yellow rosewood. Second-class products: black rosewood, striped ebony. Third-class products: red rosewood. Fourth-class products: rosewood, chicken wing wood.

Therefore, from this hierarchical level, we can distinguish the value between the yellow rosewood and the rosewood, which is probably different.

The "Redwood National Standard" divides redwood into "eight types of five genera and thirty-three tree species". Rosewood belongs to rosewood and red sandalwood; and yellow rosewood belongs to one of the fragrant rosewood species, fragrant wood and Dalbergia.

The rosewood has its special aroma, and the cut surface is clear and clear; when it is put into the water, a substance floats in the water, emitting a fluorescent green color. When it rains, if the pile of rosewood wood is wet, the green matter can be seen from the rainwater that slowly flows out of it; and the pear wood that has been exposed to water has obvious water marks after drying. Printed.

Hainan huanghuali is the most respected handicraft in ancient China. The yellow rosewood has a beautiful pattern, soft color and aroma. The color changes across the area, showing a light yellow, dark yellow, dark brown wood texture. The wood is hard, suitable for inlaying and engraving, and has very good processing properties. The wood is soft and hard, moderate in weight, and not easily deformed. It is especially suitable for crafts made of enamel crafts, and is a superior material for making classical mahogany furniture.

The value of crafts created by rosewood and huanghuali wood can be seen in one case. The Guangxi Jianlin Museum brought the museum of its autonomous region to court. The reason was that a yellow rosewood furniture that was presented to it was marked as rosewood furniture when it was displayed. The value of one ton of huanghuali wood can reach more than 20 million yuan, and the price of rosewood is 20,000 yuan. The gap between the two is so wide that the Jianlin Pavilion cannot accept it.

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