[Chinese Packaging Network News] Often, the first thing that caught our attention was the color and text in the packaging. Thus, the importance of text and color in a product packaging design program. Why are words and colors so important? Let's take a look at them separately.
The text itself has evolved through long-term practice. It itself has the beauty of pictographic and artistic atmosphere. The text can be said to be an indispensable component of every package. Therefore, the package designer must have individual knowledge, that is to do a good job of packaging, must first control the text.
(1) To understand the characteristics of various fonts, select the appropriate font when designing the package. In addition to the need for in-depth understanding of existing font features, designers can also create new forms of fonts based on product features to attract customer attention and achieve sales.
(2) In addition to the font design, the layout of the text is another important factor in the formation of the packaging design image. Arrangement processing should not only pay attention to the relationship between words and words, but also pay attention to the relationship between rows and groups, groups and groups.
In addition to pay attention to thickness, kerning, and area adjustment in the arrangement, there must be a clear difference between line spacing and kerning. The basic requirement for packaging text layout design is to grasp the key points of arrangement according to the attributes of the content and the primary and secondary aspects of the text itself.
As far as arrangement is concerned, it can be varied: horizontal, vertical, circular, conformal, step, variate, grass, centralized, corresponding, repeating, and pictographic. Axial form and so on. Various forms can be used in combination with each other, besides being used alone, and more layouts can be evolved in the actual arrangement.
Research shows that among all the factors that make up a product's packaging design, color can be the earliest and most pleasing way to touch people's reactions. More than 80% of information comes from the visual, directly stimulating consumers’ desire to buy, and some market scholars even believe that color is Decide the first element of sales. Therefore, color should be one of the key factors that affect the success of packaging design.
The reason why businesses will spend a lot of money to ask professionals to profoundly analyze the product packaging design scheme is still a certain role, because it will determine the sales prospects of the product, especially packaging text and color. Of course, there are also counterintuitive phenomena. Some design experts boldly use color contrasts to achieve better and more extraordinary results. However, it should be noted that if the proportion is not well-handed, it will be counterproductive.