The purchase and use of baby walkers

The baby walker is obviously a toy for toddlers. For the convenience of handling and storage, most walker manufacturers are designed to be foldable. It should be noted that the walker is locked. The force of the device needs to be at least 90N to prevent the child from jumping in the car, causing the locking device to loosen, the walker to fold on itself, and the child to fall out of the car, causing accidental injury. Before using a walker, adjust the position of the seat and pay attention to whether the child is stable. Adults must be present at the time of use. Do not leave. It is strictly prohibited to use it in dangerous places such as uneven, slopes, stairways, bathrooms, kitchens, and appliances.

This information comes from China Baby Carriage Industry Network (/) If you want to know more about baby stroller information, baby stroller manufacturers, baby stroller supply, baby stroller purchase, baby stroller manufacturers information, please log on this platform, more information is waiting for you.

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