Scanner installation

Poor contact of the circuit connection point of the scanner, increased contact resistance, prominent heating problems, such as poor contact of the isolation contacts; unreasonable design of metal armored cabinet vents, air convection, poor heat dissipation, and scanner heating problems Many; installation structures such as wall bushings and current transformers form an electromagnetic closed loop to generate eddy currents, which causes serious heat generation of some of the isolation baffles. This article will introduce you to the scanner installation.

In the linear power supply of the scanner, the voltage regulator circuit is a key component. Early scanner regulators were made up of discrete devices and the like. When the scanner's three-terminal integrated voltage regulator appeared, it was widely welcomed with its simple circuit and good performance. The scanner linear power supply is a regulated power supply with an early application and mature circuit. Its biggest advantage is that the circuit is simple, the performance is reliable, the number of components is small, the ripple is small, and the characteristics are good; the disadvantage is that the efficiency is low and the loss is large.

The main factor affecting the size and weight of the scanner is that the voltage regulator requires a radiator with a large enough area; the second is the use of a power frequency power transformer. The main reason for the low efficiency of the scanner is the application of a linear regulator. The scanner linear regulator regulates and regulates the voltage by adjusting the on-state voltage drop of the power regulator device.

With the continuous development of micro-electro-mechanical technology, the continuous maturity of technology, the continuous reduction of prices, and the increasing application fields, miniaturization is one of the development trends of future scanners. Microscanners will not only have the functionality of traditional scanners, but also play a unique role in automation technology, aerospace, military, biotechnology, and medical fields.

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