[Chinese Packaging Network News] life is difficult to see bacteria, but bacteria are everywhere. In the food and pharmaceutical packaging industry, aseptic packaging can be described as a concern.
Aseptic packaging full understanding
Aseptic packaging full understanding
Sterile paper packaging is composed of cardboard, plastic and aluminum film. It is usually composed of 6 layers, 73% of paper, 20% of plastic, 5% of aluminum, and 2% of other printing inks and coatings. Part of the chemical thermomechanical pulp is usually added to the board and there is a thin layer of coating on the outside. It can prevent the intrusion of light, gas, odor, and microorganisms by its composite packaging materials and vacuum state, so that the food does not need preservatives, and transportation and warehousing do not need to be refrigerated, so that the nutrients and taste of the food can be well preserved. , The shelf life is greatly extended. Another feature of aseptic packaging is that its product shape is brick-shaped and the use of paper for packaging materials makes the product highly space-efficient and light-weight, not only costly but also in line with the current trend of environmentally-friendly packaging.
With the improvement of living standards, not only the demand for packaging will increase, but also the demand for packaging will be even higher. Whether it is to meet increasing consumer demand or to seize non-negligible mid- to high-end markets, Chinese companies need to continuously introduce advanced equipment to improve their product competitiveness and enter the high-end aseptic packaging market.
Aseptic packaging for food safety
It can be said that we are now involving the fragile nerves when it comes to food-related issues. Food bottle packaging as an important part of food safety naturally can not be ignored.
Different other product packaging, once the food bottle packaging problems, involved a very wide range, the impact on the manufacturers is also very large. For example, the incident of plasticizers for alcoholic beverage caps had a very big impact on alcoholic liquors. Therefore, food bottle packaging must strengthen its own requirements. For food bottles, the trend towards aseptic packaging of foods has become more apparent in recent years as food requirements for packaging have increased. From aseptic workshops for food production to aseptic filling equipment. It can be said that the food bottle ring is a very important step to ensure food sterility. After long-distance transportation and shelf storage for a long time, we must ensure that the food is in the same sterilized quality standard line as the factory, obviously it will greatly promote food safety performance.
There is still much room for improvement in food bottle aseptic packaging technology. Improvements in the tightness of food bottle caps require manufacturers to make more improvements.
Aseptic packaging for medical reassuring
To aseptic packaging technology can more extend the shelf life of drugs and ensure the efficacy of the packaging form, and develop more rapidly.
Aseptic packaging equipment belongs to high-end products in packaging machinery, both in terms of technical content and technical indicators. Its application covers all sectors of medicines and foods.
Aseptic packaging is simply to achieve sterility of the package, the sterility of the main packaging materials, the sterility of the product and the sterility of the packaging process, and three aspects are indispensable. According to product requirements, in the aseptic condition, the sterilized material is loaded into a pre-sterilized or aseptically processed packaging container and stored in a specific environment that is not airtight, airtight or even opaque to light. It can maintain a long period of time without changing the temperature at room temperature without changing its quality. At present, aseptic packaging has developed into a complete Ade industrial field, including aseptic packaging technology, aseptic packaging technology, aseptic packaging materials, aseptic processing equipment, and aseptic packaging machinery equipment.
According to relevant statistics, there are currently more than 13,000 aseptic filling systems installed worldwide, and more than 40 companies can produce such aseptic filling systems. The development of China, South Asia and Southeast Asia in Asian countries has already replaced Western Europe and has become the largest aseptic packaging market in the world.
In high-value areas such as pharmaceutical packaging, aseptic packaging will also have greater opportunities for growth. With the improvement of biotechnology and other life science technologies, its application in the field of medicine will continue to expand.