If you walked through a shop, the things are very pink inside, then you are not mistaken This is the girl heart, which is similar to the children of adults, especially pink department stores, it is estimated that the entire girl Can refuse it, Xiaobian Here to introduce you to the pink bag brand, the entire shop to pink-based, you feel it? Let Xiaobian take you to feel it.
Sanrio Gucci Women pink bag style, the little girl or an adult can also have Oh, have a girl heart nothing bad, but the appearance can not be too young girl heart, you can house the girl heart, Sanrio bag Will meet you, pink cups, bags, dolls are pink line. How can you not heart it?
Heart is a pleasing to the eye, heart color is pink, girls like pink, grew up still pink, this should be a girl's common problem, although the girls usually Taidalielie, but see the doll will still want to heart, Girls are not afraid of dolls, afraid of their own old, can not afford a pink girl heart.