According to a recent survey conducted by the Chief Marketing Officer Council, the effect of packaging and in-store displays on the success of the entire brand is even greater than that of e-mail, direct mail, and mobile apps. important.
The Marketing Directors Committee's research report: "Sensitivity Needs: How Smart Marketing People Drive Customer Feedback to Drive Growth," studies how organizations respond to customers, leverage customer data and intelligence to "transmit the right experience at the right time," and The way customers choose, including digital or realistic forms. The report analyzes the barriers that all marketing channels have in allowing consumers to obtain consistent brand-related experience.
Like the importance of packaging to overall brand success, responding to and responding to consumer feedback and requests through realistic contacts, such as product packaging or branding of other entities, is considered to be a major challenge for marketers. The people did not give priority to this challenge. Respondents found that there is a gap between the ability to make changes in the real media and their pursuit of change; 84% of respondents said they want to make changes within 30 days, but only 40% Report that they can do this now.
Forty-six percent of respondents stated that the functional silos in the marketing area divide the consumer groups into real groups or digital groups, which enables specialization and function concentration, but makes it more difficult to arrange and arrange these marketing channels.
In addition, 66% of marketing executives stated that their end-consumers are very sensitive and even hypersensitive to the changes and consistency of packaging colors.
This report is based on the new research done by the Marketing Directors' Committee in collaboration with X-Rite, Pantone, Esko, MediaBeacon and AWT. The survey began in the spring of 2017 and received feedback from 153 Senior Marketing Directors.
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