When you love outdoor sports, equipment becomes an essential part of it. Just like the continuous upgrading of the SLR, the equipment will be continuously upgraded during use. Individuals do not recommend newbies to buy newbie equipment, so that future upgrades will idle existing equipment, and they will not be purchased at the same time. However, for every purchase, at least in the short term, there is no need to upgrade, to avoid the cost of upgrading, and relatively good The equipment allows you to reduce injuries, reduce the burden, increase the sense of security, and add fun while you are outdoors.
The following individuals recommend some equipment, at least on the basis of no damage, can not upgrade within 5 years. I hope to give you some help.
When it comes to equipment, the first must be shoes, so start with shoes. Hiking shoes, high gang, necessary. The first time you buy is not recommended to buy heavy shoes and low shoes. The former has a limited scope of application, while the latter has limited protection, and when it rains, rain can easily enter the shoes along the trouser legs and lose its waterproof effect. Therefore, a pair of medium and high-top, moderate-soft hiking shoes are the most suitable choice for the initial purchase of equipment. As for whether or not to use GORE-TEX, generally speaking, it is still recommended, but if it is a sweat type, it does not have to be. The base of VIBRAM is very good, but it is relatively smooth when there is rain on the smooth ground. But overall, the GTX+V bottom + Zhonggao Bang is the most suitable for the initial purchase.
Shoes recommended:
Lowa renegade GTX mid, scarpa mustang, lasportiva sandstone
Look at the next package, in addition to shoes, the bag can be said to be worthy of attention. Packages are divided into several types. Generally, 15L-25L is a single-day daily package, which can also be used as a sub-package of a large package. 25L - 50L, used as a short-term two days a day. Generally, if you are not camping, you can use it at 30L or less. If you are camping, you usually have more than 35L. 50L - 80L is a long-line backpack, or camping more than two days, the girls suggested 50L - 60L can be, boys according to their physical conditions to choose 60L - 80L backpack. Because of the difference in physiological structure between girls and boys, it is recommended that you buy the corresponding female models, comfortable and look good.
If it is to buy the first package, it is recommended to buy a 25L - 50L. That is, it can satisfy non-camping corruption tourism, and it can also be a lightweight two-day camping. Then buy small bags, big bags, punch bags, purses, and other professional packages.
We would like to recommend OSPREY KESTREL 38, which is Kitty 38. It can be said that this is the first outdoor backpack for many people. Because it is indeed very classic, cost-effective, super can be installed (can be compared with other brands 50L package), lightweight, men and women eat, comes with rain cover, versatility, looks good, content is real. Of course, it is not entirely without its drawbacks. Compared with her ability to carry, the burden is relatively soft, the strap is too long, the head bag must not be separated from the main bag, and it will be hot in summer. The street bag is too easy to hit the bag.
Backpack Recommended:
25L-50L: Osprey kestrel 32, 38, 48; Osprey Talon 33, 44; Gregory Z35, Z35R
15L——25L: arcteryx arro 16,22; Arcteryx mantis 26, mammut face 22;
50L - 80L: arcteryx bora 65, 80, arcteryx altra 65, 75 arcteryx NAOS 55, Gregory baltoro 70, triconi 60. Osprey aether 60, argon 70.
Friends dedicated = strong oxygen chest bag
After having a backpack, some people said that it was time to say clothes. In fact, I think the importance of clothing is not so high. Here are two kinds of equipment that are easily overlooked, trekking poles and knee pads. Raining will not be fatal, but a poor trekking pole is definitely a safety hazard. It is better not to use it. Correct use of trekking poles saves a lot of effort. More importantly, like knee protectors, it is an important tool to protect your knees. When using the trekking poles, they must pass through the wrist straps and use the trekking poles to guide the trekking poles to be used correctly. Whether the trekking poles need to be suspended or not depends on personal habits.
Trekking sticks recommended:
Trekking pole brand: LEKI, BLACK DIAMOND, MASTER basically chose the three inside.
BLACK DIAMOND TRAIL is an entry-level model, but the quality of BD is still guaranteed.
LEKI MAKALU CLASSIC, gold stick, show, prison.
Knee support recommended:
LP 733,788, 733CA 788CA. Effectively protect the knees, especially downhill.
In terms of clothing, clothing is divided into several categories. Generally divided into three categories. Perspiration layer, warm layer, protective layer. In addition, down jackets, and quick-drying underwear. It is also needed as winter and summer.
Perspiration layer, PATAGONIA's C series quality can be trusted, and in the winter, SWARTWOOL's Merino wool underwear can also be used.
Warm layer, mainly grab fleece, can also be down liner, P cotton cotton clothing, windbreaker, soft shell.
Protective layer: Jackets, soft shells.
Apparel Recommended:
Perspiration: PATAGONIA C1, C3
Warm layer: Decathlon 49 yuan sets of fleece (Decathlon's most worthwhile equipment, cost-effective invincibility), PATAGONIA
R2 (classic fleece, light), R4 (wind fleece), DOWN SWEATER (down liner), ARCTERYX DELTA SV (monkey type, reload), DELTA AR, MHW MONKEY MAN (reload, high-end hairy monkeys The most cost-effective), HW Yulong (down liner, domestic goods boutique, similar to PATA DOWN SWEATER) MARMOT DRICLIME (Shen Yi, windproof, breathable, very effective on the move)
Protective layer: lightweight jacket, summer, low altitude use.
Coatings: MARMOT PRECIP (cost-effective), MHW EPIC (conduit coating)
Thick Jackets, Winter, High Altitude GORE-TEX PRO SHELL: ARCTERYX BETA AR, THETA AR, ALPHA SV. MAMMUT EXTREME SERIES (Saul, even over Birds)
Soft shell: MHW SYNCHRO (waterproof), ARCTERYX GAMMA MX (breathable, multi-purpose), ARCTERYX VENTA SV (windbreak) MARMOT SUPER HERO (multipurpose)
Socks: Overseas bridgedale, smartwool, domestic ZEALWOOD.
Snow cover: foreign OR, BLACK DIAMOND, domestic spikes: exofficio Give-N-Go (one of the best outdoor bird accounts), PATAGONIA C1 (flower underwear ah)
§ Drying pants: exofficio insect shield, MHW, ARCTERYX
The above equipment can basically meet the basic needs of non-camping. Let's talk about camping equipment.
Sleep system
Tent: Mobigard Cold Mountain 2 (Introductory Hot Money), Kaile Shi Chunhui Strengthening, Autumn Dreams Strengthening (Hot Money); LUXE Sojourner (Best in HUBBA Shanzhai Edition), MSR HUBBA HUBBA (Light, Large Space) , BA Jade (Multipurpose, light, with access to the hall)
Moisture-proof mats: PURELAND hexagonal (poor bomber), THERM-A-REST Z-LITE (classic egg tray), RidgeRest Deluxe (blue cormorant, high altitude preferred), Prolite Plus (P4 upgraded, low-altitude winter best) , NEOAIR (light, small, thick, expensive)
Ground cloth, it is recommended to use, to protect the bottom of the sleeping bag: Recommended down, domestic can use the CAMP ARTCIC series, HW is also a classic player brand. Another day stone, black ice can also be considered. Foreign choice MHW, MARMOT. MHW PHANTOM series recommended (light, 800FILL, is not waterproof),
Sleeping bag liner: ON-TRIP's on the line.
Let's look at the system
Drinking water bags, kettles, water purifiers and other water bags: platypus, SOURCE, MSR
Kettle: SIGGS
Water purifier: MSR, Kangdi cooking pots, stoves, fork spoons, etc. Cookware set: SNOW PEAK 010T (double, single luxury), 009T (single stomach), 008T (single small stomach )
In addition, domestic Fire Maple, Bu Lin, Ai Lu Ke also stove burner: monomer: optimus crux, MSR POCKET ROCKET, KOVEA CAMP3, SNOW PEAK GIGA POWER split: KOVEA CAMP 4,
One furnace: MSR reactor, JETBOIL. Domestic fire maple is enough.
BLACK DIAMOND, PETZL headlights are reliable. Domestically produced Shanru also works. BLACK BIAMOND ORBIT is a good camping light.
The above is about some of the outdoor equipment recommendations are very limited, not an extreme environment, not a special environment. Suitable for most of the 4000 meters below, climbing, hiking activities, welcome to discuss.
Price is a problem that must be considered, but in fact, these equipments are still within the bounds. I made an approximate price list, the price is mainly referred to Taobao, there may be differences, not particularly true. The configuration basically takes the average level I recommend, so this price is not the lowest. details as follows: