From a fashion point of view, the handbag is no longer a general sense of the bag, it is a symbol of character, occupation, identity, taste. For the individual overall shape, a handpicked fine handbag can play a finishing touch, it can decorate you into a truly elegant woman with elegant fashion.
For any woman, whether it is in college students, white-collar workers, and even ordinary consumers have the urge to buy sections of style bags. And according to the survey, the vast majority of female consumers even have already had a variety of handbags, but as long as you see like the new handbag, will not hesitate to buy it. It can be said where there is a woman where there will be a handbag market. So, open leather to join the shop never have to worry about no market, and this is the reason many entrepreneurs recognized leather goods market lies. Because there is a market, you do not have to worry about sales.
Mona Lisa Leather Group adhere to the high-end product positioning, product design adhere to the combination of fashion and art, in the production of materials focus on material testing and process control, terminal marketing focus on process and standardization. Mona Lisa leather used to breaking the routine, innovation in the "fast fashion" product concept under the guidance of the Mona Lisa leather goods held six orders each year, each introducing more than a thousand new leather goods, covering luxury, leisure, Art, personality and other styles.
Mona Lisa Leather Group invites people with lofty ideals to join cooperation, joining hotline: 400 -68-22220,020-86076222.