How about the Mercury router? How to set

Nowadays, the network is developing very rapidly. Recently, as more and more netizens have increased their demand for the network, a variety of routers have appeared on the market. Mercury routers are one of them. So, how about the Mercury router? Do you know how to set up Mercury router? This series of questions is something we need to consider when we buy a Mercury router.

Today, I will introduce you to the Mercury router, how to set up related issues, I hope everyone can get useful information from it!

The Mercury Router is a router brand with powerful features. CPU processor network dedicated processor, Flash flash 8MB (64Mbit), DRAM memory 32MB (256Mbit).

How to set up Mercury router? In fact, this problem is not difficult at all. Its settings are basically the same as those of many routers on the market. It is only slightly different on some specific small problems, and it may be more than other router settings. For the sake of convenience, what are the differences? Here is how to set up the Mercury router.

Step 1 of how to set up Mercury router

Mercury routers and other brands of routers are different in this respect, its address is the default, are, you only need to enter this address in the browser of your computer, you can enter the official address of Mercury router , then enter the username and password, its username and password you need to enter the admin, then click OK, you have completed the most basic settings!

How to set up Mercury router step two

Enter the user name and password. After clicking OK, the next page will appear. The text on the left side of the page has the “ip broadband control” option. Open the page and select Open IP Broadband Control. There are two dialog boxes below. In your broadband line type dialog box, you can choose our commonly used ADSL. The default size can be used for the broadband size. If you think the default value does not match your actual situation, you can adjust it according to your preference!

Through the above content, everyone should have a certain understanding of how the Mercury router and how to set it up, I hope to help everyone!

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