The main component of the gas chromatograph FID is the ionization chamber, which has an electric field composed of a positive electrode and a negative electrode, an energy source composed of hydrogen gas combustion in the air, and a nozzle for carrying the sample cup carrier gas into the hydrogen flame.
During the use of FID, there is sometimes a phenomenon of water accumulation in the detector, and some products in the component after burning are highly likely to stain the nozzle and the collector, and should be cleaned after a period of use, otherwise the sensitivity will be lowered. Affects the analysis of gas chromatographs. Therefore, it is necessary to disassemble and clean the FID. Then, when disassembling the FID, what should be noticed to cause the detector to be contaminated?
When the gas chromatograph analyzes the FID, the following three conditions are likely to cause the detector to be contaminated:
1 water causes detector pollution
First, the detector temperature setting is too low, causing the water produced by the combustion of the sample to condense at the detector; second, the shutdown sequence is not appropriate, the detector temperature is turned off first, and the air and hydrogen at the detection site are not turned off, resulting in the production of water. Condensation during the detection period.
2 analysis of sample burning is insufficient to cause pollution
When the amount of one injection is too large, the sample components are not easily burned completely or the flow of hydrogen at the detector is too small, the sample will be burned insufficiently, and the components that are not completely burned will be deposited in the detector to cause pollution.
The nozzle and collector in the 3 ion head should be cleaned after a certain period of use, otherwise the burned ash will stain the nozzle and the collector, thus reducing the sensitivity of the gas chromatograph.
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