When winter comes, heavy equipment is required to bring long-distance rides. What kind of sleeping bags, Jackets, warm clothes, etc., the original bag has been installed. For the Spring Festival cycling in Guangdong and Guangxi and Hainan, taking time out of the busy bag for the fourth conversion. During the third conversion, in order not to include the heel, the goods were added to the bag and placed an angle, but it was still a bit of tolerance, and the center of gravity was a little behind. (1)
The first modification is to cut the package to one corner and the other dimensions remain unchanged. (2)
After cutting, use hand-sewn silk thread (remember the old horse will play embroidery needle 2), look good, right? (3)
The fixing method of the main package is corrected:
1: quick buckle is not enough, replaced by fast discount cards. (4)
2: The main way of fixing the lower part of the main package was originally to use a plastic clip, but there is a problem: When the hotel squatted upstairs, the plastic clip was just on top of the waist, and it was very unhappy. This time, it was replaced with a fixed strap. (5 to 6)
LED strip light is a flexible circuit board with integrated LEDs. It emits powerful illumination in limited body. Products range from various voltages, lengths, brightness and beam angles.
Single-color LED Strip Lights : perfect as under cabinet lighting, shelf lighting, cove lighting, deck lighting, landscape lighting, truck bed lighting and anywhere needed, for indoors and outdoors. They come with plug and play connectors and complete kits for installation.
RGB Led Strip Lights: with colorful lighting, they provide festive illumination for theater lighting, architectural lighting and more. Controllers come with them are available with various modes for different colors. They come with plug and play connectors and complete kits for installation.
LED strip light bar are also perfect way to add powerful illumination to channel letters, sign illumination, edge-lit signs, display case lighting, and many more applications
LED Strip Lights
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