Do you dare to try new ways to run?

Humans are habitual animals, and runners are no exception: we rely on a specific training method and repeat it until we feel bored or uninterested. If you feel that training has lost its freshness, use science to enrich the training content. Researchers have been trying to test the reaction of athletes to different training techniques. Sometimes these studies will find new and effective training methods to challenge the body and enhance their abilities. Now is the perfect time to try new methods. Rebecca Meyer, the national running training manager of "Life Time Fitness," is recommending. She has her own reasoning: “Summer is a good empty window, because the amount of running is relatively small. Therefore, it is a good time to try new things.” The following seemingly bizarre methods are based on recent scientific discoveries. Come over and inspire your feelings about running.

Direction of rotation
Turning the direction of running occasionally may allow your body to use energy more efficiently at each run, which is the conclusion of a recent study.

The researchers found that adding a back run during the ten weeks of training was enough to increase the running efficiency of well-trained runners by 2.5%. Because of the approximate speed, unfamiliar movements (backward running) will place higher demands on the heart and lungs. Run backwards, or any training that requires you to step backwards, and improve muscle stability and coordination. Mountaineering training coach at, accredited expert at the American Strength Training Association, Courtenay Schurman ) If it is explained. In addition, the reversal movement can be applied to the quadriceps, which is particularly beneficial for runners who run on flat ground (the flat ground mainly exercises hamstrings).

How to do it? After running 1-2 times a week, try to add 6 groups of 25-50 yards back running on a smooth, traffic-free road.

Improved song list
High-energy music (at least 125 beats per minute) can effectively improve the state, but soothing melody can also play a role in training. The authors of a new study found that when test subjects ran for 20 minutes and listened to slow music, their heart rate returned to normal time faster than when listening to intense music or static noise. Researchers speculate that listening to slow-paced music can have similar effects during the interval between speed training or rhythm running. Dr. Costas Karageorghis, author of "Using Music in Training and Sports," offers an explanation for this effect: when the body is quite tired, heartbeat and breathing frequency will try Follow the rhythm of music.

How to do it?
Make a song list, use one or two fast-paced songs to enhance the state before high-intensity training, and then put one or two slow-paced songs for recovery intervals. Karadaggis recommended 100-120 beats per minute (for example, Fifth Harmony's new song from Work From Home) for recovery. However, in the training, the music was turned off so that the sense of power and attitude can be given attention to, Karathigis suggested.

Rest on foot
Novices have been walking and relaxing for many years in training, but senior runners can also benefit from walking when challenging challenging slopes. New research shows that walking up a steep slope (a slope of more than 15.8 degrees) is more effective than running at the same pace. Walking uphill allows your heart rate to be controlled and prevents touching the anaerobic threshold (the body burns only carbohydrates from now on).

How to do it?
At the bottom of the steep ramp, the climb distance is divided into three sections. The first segment was run and the second segment was brisk. Once you have completed the first two paragraphs, analyze your status. According to Mel's suggestion, if you breathe smoothly, you can continue to run, but if you are still gasping, walking can help you save energy, it will not take too much time .

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