Dairy packaging technology (1)

(a) The purpose and components of packaging

1. The purpose of the packaging The traditional concept of food packaging is to extend the shelf life and ensure the safety of the food during the storage period. With the development of commodity society and the renewal of consumer attitudes, higher requirements have been placed on food packaging. According to the characteristics of dairy products, combined with modern marketing concepts, the purpose of dairy packaging can be summarized as follows:

(1) Anti-pollution and security This is the most basic requirement for food packaging. Dairy products are rich in nutrients and balanced. They are ideal media for microorganisms and are highly susceptible to microbial infestation and deterioration. The appropriate processing methods, combined with effective packaging, can prevent the infestation of microorganisms, eliminate the contamination of toxic and harmful substances, and ensure the health and safety of products.

(2) The nutritional composition and tissue state of the protective product can ensure the relative stability of the nutrient composition and tissue state of the product through reasonable packaging. The fat in dairy milk is a unique source of flavor for dairy products. It is easy to oxidize and change taste. Various factors can promote this change, such as heat, light, metal ions, etc. Reasonable packaging can effectively delay this reaction; milk Vitamins and biologically active ingredients are easily inactivated by light, heat and oxygen, and they are protected from light and protect the nutritional value of dairy products. In addition, the sealed package prevents moisture absorption of milk powder or evaporation of moisture from the contents, and also blocks the contamination of foreign materials. The solidified yoghurt must have a shockproof function. Ice cream packaging to prevent tissue deformation.

(3) It is convenient for the consumer to explain from the opening to the consumption of the product, from the nutrient content to the shelf life, all the descriptions and markings on the package are for the convenience of the consumers and for their ease of use. Such as cans pull buckles, Tetra tube sucker jack, suitable for hiking UHT milk, any kind of packaging updates show this trend.

(4) Convenient wholesale and retail products must go through this route from the producer to the consumer. All packaging, including packaging materials and packaging specifications, must be suitable for wholesale and retail requirements.


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