The ideal campsite should be selected where it is dry, flat, has a wide line of sight, has access from top to bottom, can be sheltered from winds and drains, and is convenient for water intake. Some camps without washing equipment are usually not managed by government or private organizations, so there is no complete plan for safety. You must be careful about your concerns. Such camps are suitable for campers or those who prefer to live in primitive forests. However, what kind of camp is still not suitable for long-term camping, because these places are all on their own, Without water and electricity, they would even have to dig their own field toilets, camping gear, cooking utensils, and food to prepare for themselves. So, it would be about three days and two nights. Otherwise, if the food is not fresh for a long time, it will not be good to eat it. The following list of six dangerous terrains, remember not to choose campsites:
First, do not go to the center of the valley to avoid flash floods.
Second, do not go near the water to avoid rising water.
Third, do not fall under the cliff and avoid falling rocks.
Fourth, avoid high winds and avoid strong winds.
5. Don't be under an independent tree to avoid electric shocks.
Sixth, can not be among the grass trees, to avoid snake worms.
Since camping in the wild is not as safe as at home, accidents can occur at any time. Here are some tips for dealing with accidents:
Finally, to remind everyone that although there are more and more camping areas where cars are allowed to enter, the general public can experience the joy of camping. Environmental protection cannot be ignored. At the end of the trip, I hope everyone can take away the garbage. And try not to use disposable dishes so as not to cause environmental pollution.
Unexpected species processing method
When the people who lived in the city for a long time lived in the camp, they encountered lightning and heard thunder often easily panicking. In fact, there is no need to be nervous. As long as they are not camping on the highest terrain or in bare places, the danger is reduced. A lot. Avoid standing under a tall tree when lightning, and it is best to discard metal on the body. If you can't escape, lying down on the ground can also minimize the risk.
During flood camping, attention should be paid to the flow of floodwaters. The alluvial lands of beaches are the best places for camping, but when floods come, they also bear the brunt of them. After rain, they should take actions and change camps, otherwise they may be washed away by floods.
If there is any misfortune, people must first remove the foreign matter from the mouth and perform "heart massage" and "artificial respiration." As soon as possible, the staff should learn how to take care of them, and try not to press on the abdomen of the injured person. Something that squeezed out of him probably blocked his throat. When you save, you can use bamboo rods, floats (wood, wood, lifebuoy) or clothes. In addition to fire protection, in addition to doing a good job of fire extinguishing, avoid lighting the candles in the tents. Cigarette butts are not thrown onto the firewood. The lighting in the accounts is best used with flashlights or camp lights.
Insects The most important point in preventing bee colony attacks is to stay away from the cells. If you are accidentally caught by the poisonous bees, wash them with alkaline soap as soon as possible and apply cold water or ice to the affected area. Prevention of leech (also known as blood-sucking insects) bite injury is: When entering the mountains, first with alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, soap, salt and other alkaline substances smear on the skin and underwear to prevent leech invasion. If you are still not bitten, do not use it by hand, because this grasp, it is likely to tear its head, but stay in the skin, leading to infectious diseases. It is best to slap your skin with your hands, or apply salt, sugar, lime, or smouldering with cigarettes, matches, etc. on your body, and then naturally fall off. After the grasshopper has fallen off, it is best to immediately squeeze the wound and allow it to flow into the blood, which is equal to the amount of blood taken by the grasshopper.
Snake bite A person bitten by a poisonous snake does not know in advance that the viper is to bite there. If it is bitten near the artery, there is a danger of life. Get medical emergency as soon as possible. However, once bitten by a venomous snake, quickly grasp the time and forcefully press the muscles around the wound, squeeze the venom of the wound, and then pass it through the upper end of the wound.
First, do not go to the center of the valley to avoid flash floods.
Second, do not go near the water to avoid rising water.
Third, do not fall under the cliff and avoid falling rocks.
Fourth, avoid high winds and avoid strong winds.
5. Don't be under an independent tree to avoid electric shocks.
Sixth, can not be among the grass trees, to avoid snake worms.
Since camping in the wild is not as safe as at home, accidents can occur at any time. Here are some tips for dealing with accidents:
Finally, to remind everyone that although there are more and more camping areas where cars are allowed to enter, the general public can experience the joy of camping. Environmental protection cannot be ignored. At the end of the trip, I hope everyone can take away the garbage. And try not to use disposable dishes so as not to cause environmental pollution.
Unexpected species processing method
When the people who lived in the city for a long time lived in the camp, they encountered lightning and heard thunder often easily panicking. In fact, there is no need to be nervous. As long as they are not camping on the highest terrain or in bare places, the danger is reduced. A lot. Avoid standing under a tall tree when lightning, and it is best to discard metal on the body. If you can't escape, lying down on the ground can also minimize the risk.
During flood camping, attention should be paid to the flow of floodwaters. The alluvial lands of beaches are the best places for camping, but when floods come, they also bear the brunt of them. After rain, they should take actions and change camps, otherwise they may be washed away by floods.
If there is any misfortune, people must first remove the foreign matter from the mouth and perform "heart massage" and "artificial respiration." As soon as possible, the staff should learn how to take care of them, and try not to press on the abdomen of the injured person. Something that squeezed out of him probably blocked his throat. When you save, you can use bamboo rods, floats (wood, wood, lifebuoy) or clothes. In addition to fire protection, in addition to doing a good job of fire extinguishing, avoid lighting the candles in the tents. Cigarette butts are not thrown onto the firewood. The lighting in the accounts is best used with flashlights or camp lights.
Insects The most important point in preventing bee colony attacks is to stay away from the cells. If you are accidentally caught by the poisonous bees, wash them with alkaline soap as soon as possible and apply cold water or ice to the affected area. Prevention of leech (also known as blood-sucking insects) bite injury is: When entering the mountains, first with alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, soap, salt and other alkaline substances smear on the skin and underwear to prevent leech invasion. If you are still not bitten, do not use it by hand, because this grasp, it is likely to tear its head, but stay in the skin, leading to infectious diseases. It is best to slap your skin with your hands, or apply salt, sugar, lime, or smouldering with cigarettes, matches, etc. on your body, and then naturally fall off. After the grasshopper has fallen off, it is best to immediately squeeze the wound and allow it to flow into the blood, which is equal to the amount of blood taken by the grasshopper.
Snake bite A person bitten by a poisonous snake does not know in advance that the viper is to bite there. If it is bitten near the artery, there is a danger of life. Get medical emergency as soon as possible. However, once bitten by a venomous snake, quickly grasp the time and forcefully press the muscles around the wound, squeeze the venom of the wound, and then pass it through the upper end of the wound.
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